Jack,Jill,John and Jane

This page may contain a conversation I had with you or a conversation I overheard or just something I told myself or made up. You will read it like it happened between my four characters Jack , Jill , John and Jane. Well these people do not have any fixed relationship or age. It will change from conversation to conversation. Well what they do have is ,fixed genders. Jack and John will always represent the male gender and Jill and Jane the female gender.

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Everyone ultimately becomes a memory. I want to be a good memory.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Slow down. Calm down.

Jack: My God am I happy I am still alive…. Why do you have to ride like the world is ending? That turn you took I thought would be the last I will see. I tell you give me those keys. Women and driving……

Jill: Hey stop cribbing. You’re alive and in one piece. I know what I am doing. I don’t need to hear this. I have been riding for the past decade or more. I have never had an accident, unlike you. 5 times in 5 months…..

Jack: Hey none of them were my mistakes….(Checking whether the bike is locked)…

Jill: Do you think I am dumb to leave the bike unlocked why do you have to always check and re-check….

Jack: You never know......

Jack: My God am I happy I am still alive…. Hey Jill you need to take the turns just a little slow you know. I am worried about you every time you are out riding. Just be more careful please.

Jill: Hey Jack don’t you worry. I am alright. I have been riding around a long time and have never had a problem. You are the one I am concerned about…….

Jack: Well I know. I am being over cautious now that’s why I let you ride. (Smiling and checking if the bike is locked)…

Jill: (Smiling) Well is the bike locked? I am so touched by your concern.

Jack: It's all alright…. (Smiling)….


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