Jack,Jill,John and Jane

This page may contain a conversation I had with you or a conversation I overheard or just something I told myself or made up. You will read it like it happened between my four characters Jack , Jill , John and Jane. Well these people do not have any fixed relationship or age. It will change from conversation to conversation. Well what they do have is ,fixed genders. Jack and John will always represent the male gender and Jill and Jane the female gender.

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Everyone ultimately becomes a memory. I want to be a good memory.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Jill: I am at office and I am sleepy :(
John: Why don’t you go drink some coffee?

Jill: Not a bad idea. But no I don’t want to.

John: Why not? :O

Jill: Cause I am by being sleepy not doing work and then again not even feeling guilty for that.

John: Clever

Jill: As always…. By the way I am still sleepy :( and still unable to do much work :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Primates I wish we still were :)

John: I wonder if our journey from the Neanderthals to the Homeo Sapiens ...was just a "paapi pet ka sawal" !!!(A question of the stomach)
Jill: What u are wondering about maybe true cause it is always survival of the fittest :)
John: :)
Jill: On second thoughts if we have moved from primates to humans due to the stomach then this gaddhe(proverb) is actually proved beyond doubt "Hotte nan nininda kette" (Stomach you are the cause of my downfall :). Otherwise we would have been happy primates jumping trees hehehe
John: Seriously :D I would be so content.
Jill: So would I :)