Jack,Jill,John and Jane

This page may contain a conversation I had with you or a conversation I overheard or just something I told myself or made up. You will read it like it happened between my four characters Jack , Jill , John and Jane. Well these people do not have any fixed relationship or age. It will change from conversation to conversation. Well what they do have is ,fixed genders. Jack and John will always represent the male gender and Jill and Jane the female gender.

My Photo
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Everyone ultimately becomes a memory. I want to be a good memory.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why blog?

Jack: Why do you blog?
Jill: I want to show the world I can write!
Jack: No, thats not true.
Jill: Ok, it is so that I can express my thoughts
Jack: Now that makes more sense.
Jill: *Smile* (The truth is so hard to digest haan??)